Our Party
The Texas Democratic party believes that well-functioning governments use facts and science to preserve the health and well-being of the public. The party believes that we need to help the vulnerable and disadvantaged so that success, health, and well-being are possible for all. The Party has a big tent, accepting those that range from the more moderate democrat to the most left-leaning. There is room for all of us. All are welcome to the table.
Our Purpose
To elect Democrats up and down the ballot who will fight for our shared values.
What We Value
Representative Democracy
Texas Democrats believe government exists to achieve together what we cannot achieve as individuals and that government must serve all people. A representative democracy is only truly representative if every single citizen is guaranteed the inalienable right to vote in fair and open elections.
Equality & Freedom
Texas Democrats believe in equal opportunity and freedom for all human beings — no matter a person’s race, disability, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic situation, or immigration status.
Smart Government
Texas Democrats believe our economy must benefit all Texans; that robust public and higher education opportunities are critical for our future; and that the criminal justice system should treat all people fairly.
A Healthy Texas
Texas Democrats believe healthcare is a right; that women’s rights are human rights; that we owe future generations a clean and healthy planet; and that a strong social safety net creates opportunity for all Americans.